Sunday, December 19, 2021

The making of a Christmas Card

Every year I do a piece of art for my annual Christmas card ,usually a pastel. I was not inspired 
For this year’s painting
Until it snowed and so I watched the sun pour through the pines in my backyard.

I placed some 400 Uart sanded paper and preceded to look out the window 
From my studio. Also worked from a few photos. What do you call and en
Plein Air done from a window? Merry Christmas.

Monday, May 17, 2021

Thursday, March 11, 2021

I’m back with some new thoughts and ideas for 2021

I can’t believe my last post was October but I’ve been painting and enjoying all things art this long covid
Here are some things I’ve done

I know it’s a bunch of crafty stuff and painting but a girl has to keep busy during 
A lock down!
I’m working on a new painting and my next post will be about that!