Sunday, July 29, 2018

Mini Pastel

Adirondack Mountain mini pastel. What a vista and fun to
Paint. 3”x 5”.

Friday, June 29, 2018

How I Can Never Make A Stroke And Leave It

Finally finished the painting and I’m on to the next! This just
screamed Summer! 8x10 “Beach Walk”

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Make A Stroke And Leave It

I read recently one of my favorite pastel artists,Tony Alain, quote the above words and I try to tell myself to do this. Sadly, I cannot.
It is just that I keep working until I feel finished with my work. This little seascape almost or nearly finished but there are a few more
Strokes needed and then I will leave it! Stay tuned for my next post!

Sunday, March 25, 2018

After Inness

Tried a little tonal painting today after the American painter George Inness who studied the works of the Hudson River School Painters . Inness's property in Montclair, New Jersey, was the subject of many of his late works. In this winter scene, he captured the stillness of twilight in layers of thinly applied paint, evoking an atmosphere rather than recording topographical details. The artist’s son wrote of the painting: “There is nothing startling in this great work of art, and yet you are filled with a sense of bigness, grandeur, and the very conviction of truth and nature.”

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Waiting For The Snow To Melt

Plein air painting is about leaving the four walls of your studio behind and experiencing painting and drawing in the landscape. The practice goes back for centuries but was truly made into an art form by the French and I can’t wait!

Friday, January 26, 2018

Getting Away From Easel and On to a Palette

Thought this would be a fun project to try as a gift for a fellow artist. I have already painted this in pastels. So this is done with acrylics on a wooden palette after a painting done on a palette by the great Pissarro!